I have been experimenting with Armina Ami-Nals Hello Kitty patterns for a while now. You can find links to her free patterns and others on the Hello Kitty page. Her witch dress pattern has provided endless opportunities to learn and adapt. In combination with Barbie patterns, my selection for Hello Kitty presents has grown remarkably. Eventually I hope to record what I am doing so I can recreate these for myself as well as sharing with others. However, I am going through a very experimental stage in trying to combine how one makes arms for doll's clothes with adding arms to Hello Kitty. I am also using different doll techniques on her outfits. Therefore, each try is not a pattern to be shared by a more of a crochet lab experiment. I hope at some point to be able to find a set pattern to create and be able to share as so many people have generously done to help me get started.
Christmas caroling has always been special to me. In high school, we had two traditions. A friend had a caroling party at her house each year where we did actually go out and entertain the neighbors getting hot cider and cocoa for our efforts. Our high school had a chorus tradition on the last day prior to school ending we would gather in the music room during last period and carol through the halls disrupting classrooms and gathering followers as we went. It was a great tradition, long gone.
My husband's family always sang Christmas carols when we gathered during the Christmas season. We incorporated that tradition into our Christmas Eve celebration. My husband would play his keyboard until we inherited his parent's piano when they moved. Two of my nieces have "helped" their Uncle with the tradition of playing while the family sings. Many visitors have been surprised to find multiple party harmonies visiting our home on Christmas Eve.
This Kitty is headed off to one of the little girls who no longer lives close enough to sit and play the piano with her Uncle. Hopefully the Kitty and the dolls which I will post later will remind her of the special tradition she shared with us.
If you arrived here looking for free toy patterns please see the following pages:
Hello Kitty
Crochet and Knit Puppets
Crochet Amigurumi Animals and Stuffed Animal Free Patterns
Knit Amigurumi and Stuffed Toys
Crochet and Knit Amigurumi and Other Dolls
Knit and Crochet Toys
Dinosaurs and Dragons
Teddy Bear Patterns and Clothes
Knit and Crochet Food Patterns Great for Play Food
Pictures may not be used without permission.
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