I really enjoyed this project. Once I understood the mistakes of Ken Pilgrim, Ken Santa was much more fun to make. In fact, I will go back and make another Ken Pilgrim to replace the old one once I get past the holiday rush.
The red I used for Barbie was from yarn I picked up at a Church sale last year. It finally ran out. Therefore, Ken has a darker yarn, which I purchased at a craft store recently that I actually like better. It has a more old world look to it. I have not even finished off the first skein of white yarn I bought at the Church sale I have been using for all my doll trims, including Ken’s beard. I loved the idea of including a beard in the pattern. I had seen a couple of free Ken and Barbie Santa hat patterns but this is the first free pattern I saw with a beard. You can find the pattern page one here page two here. I did much better with Ken's boots this time. I think I would use this boot pattern for the Pilgrim next time. I also opted out of the buckle on the belt. Instead, I used a snap in the back to hold the belt in place and just sewed a buckle on. Little hands sometimes do better with easier options.
I found an old Annie's Attic pattern for a Santa Ken and Barbie that I ordered from a vintage site. It will be interesting to see how the patterns differ.
Barbie and American Girl Doll Free Patterns are listed on my blog at these locations:
Barbie Crochet and Sewing Page
Barbie Knitting Page
Ken Page
Kelly/Skipper Page
American Girl Doll Crochet and Sewing
American Girl Doll Knitting
Additional Doll Patterns also Available on the Holiday Blogs:
Halloween Page
Pictures may not be used without written permission.
Where is the pattern for this? It's very cute!
Link is being updated. You have to use the wayback machine because the site is gone.
Link updated.
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