This is the last new pattern I will be making from Gourmet Crochet's Monster Mash Amigurumi for this Halloween season. There are two more patterns in the book a spider which I tried and could not make look like a spider despite repeated attempts and a cat which for the longest time I thought was a mouse. I may try the cat/mouse pattern at a later date, but I still have to create multiple patterns of the other items from this book before Halloween and I have not even touched on Thanksgiving yet.
I finally fixed the shoe problem with this doll, but realized hair had to be added to the hat prior to sewing it on not after, so my story is she her hair is all under the hat tucked up nice and neatly. Either that or she's shaved her head and not tied to the conventions of hair. I do know I am not destroying the hat or the head pulling them off to add the hair. I will make sure the next one has hair. I also realized when I made the female vampire I added a few rows to her dress. I does pay to write down your changes when you make them.
If you arrived here looking for free Halloween patterns please check out the Halloween Knit and Crochet Page or the Halloween Plastic Canvas Page.
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